PL/1 front-end for GNU Compiler Collection
pl/1 news | December 12th, 2003 |
The PL/1 for GCC version 0.0.2 release is based on the syntax from IBM OS PL/I Version 2.
PL/1 for GCC is released under the GNU Public License; version 2.
The first release consist of a scanner and parser for pl1, and is fully integrated into the standard gcc build system, and a set of test files.
The work has been done to fill up some commute time, but mainly out of
fascination with the PL/I programming language.
"Front-end" might be a bit of an overstatement, since only the scanner and parser is called from the gcc program.
This version would not have been possible without the help of the valuable Treelang sample language.
If you want to learn PL/I, you
are probably better off waiting a few releases, until the various bugs has been
eliminated and the code generation is implemented.
Copyright © 2002, 2003 Henrik Sorensen.
Last modified December 12th, 2003.