PL/I front-end for GNU Compiler Collection
pl1gcc news | August 1st, 2004 |
PL/I for GCC is released under the GNU Public License; version 2.
The version 0.0.8 marks an important milestone for the PL/I front-end project,
because the entire PL/I language can now be parsed using only flex and bison.
If you are testing the PL/I compiler, please inform us about any syntax errors
that might occur. It suffers to send the offending line of code.
Changes in v0.0.8:
- Implemented token based lookahead.
- All PL/I Keywords can be used as identifiers.
- Reduced number of conflicts in the grammar.
Now down to just two shift/reduce conflicts.
- Addapted installation instructions to use the gcc-core-3.5 snapshot
- Numerous new testcases have been added.
- Simplification of grammar for INITIAL attribute.
Fixed syntax in v0.0.8:
- Added FETCH and RELEASE statements.
- Floating point constants can start with just a '.'
- Repetition factors in edit format lists.
- Allow nested DO in PUT/GET datalists.
- PUT/GET options.
- Preconditions can now be placed where a label can be placed.
- ENVIRONMENT options has been reviewed.
- REWRITE statement was fixed up.
- LOCATE statement was corrected.
- Added REFER to the array dimension attribute.
- Structure declaration in signature for entry parameters.
- Cleaned up variable declarations.
For a complete changelog look in the README file.
What is pl1gcc ?
The pl1gcc project is an attempt to create a native PL/I compiler using
the GNU Compiler Collection. The project is looking for more people to
join the development and testing. If you want to see a free PL/I compiler
please do contact us and join the fun.
Looking ahead.
The next release will focus on integration of Multics syntax and also VA PL/I.
© 2002, 2003-2004 Henrik Sorensen.
Last modified August 1st, 2004.